La Estrella

Creative Director

Signage + Logo Design + Branding

La Estrella Minimart is a convenience store/performance space.

Challenge The challenge I faced was to create a brand mark that would visually separate its self from being just a convenience store and take on the brand of a convenience store that doubles as a performance space.

Solution I designed a logo that would embrace both sides of the business it takes on a persona of both a musical space and a convenience store.

Fall 2018 - Current

Art Direction

Logo Design 

Color Palette


About the Company

La Estrella Minimart is a convenience store/performance space that is dedicated to its community. We noticed that the community was missing a place where the community can come and learn a new skill or just relax in a safe environment, so we decided we would restructure our physical space to create a multimedia center for the community can come and learn how to sound engineer and witness performances from some of Chicago’s most influential artists.